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Fresh off the release of his debut album “Fallen Angel,” Young Stoner Life/300 artist Fase Yoda drops the thrilling new video for his album standout track “Blues.” On the guitar-laden number, an emotional Fase pours out his soul over losing the special lady in his life.

The genre-bending project “Fallen Angel” is a contemplative body of work that illuminates Fased’spirited persona, uniting influences such as Hip-Hop, Emo and R&B with bright melodies and emotionally-charged themes. The album is preceded by a string of pre-releases including “Love Hurts,” “Woah,” “Because Of You,” “Messed Up” and his breakout track “Butterflies.”

Fase Yoda shares, “’Fallen Angel’ was birthed from a toxic relationship. Though it was one of the most vulnerable and depressing moments I’ve experienced, it inspired me to elevate and express myself through music. The trauma helped me grow and I turned my pain into art. It taught me to embrace my emotions and realize that we are not only human but ‘Fallen Angels.'”

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